Friday, March 12, 2010

Recording Sesh.

Had a good recording Sesh last Monday with "Team Glasses" now changing our name to "C is for Cookie." Recorded the song I wrote, "Terraces Will Be Destroyed." We laid down the guitar tracks and the vocal tracks. We still have to add drums and bass. I'll post it once we're done.

If you want to know where I got the name, "Terraces Will Be Destroyed" from, watch this video. I got it from our tour guide at Neot Kedumim Biblical gardens when she was explaining the importance of agriculture in Israel.

I'm currently writing a blurb about Israel for The Steadfast, our school newsletter. I'm looking at pictures and videos from our trip, and it makes me miss Israel. It seems so long ago even though it was only two months ago. It happened so fast, it almost feels like a dream. I can't believe I was in the Holy Land. It still blows my mind. We're having a Talbot chapel dedicated to the Israel trip. I'm excited to remember, reminisce, and share about our trip with the student body and see the Talbot Lands Israel fam.

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