Sunday, April 26, 2009

Letting the Red In.

So I finally bought a Biola sweatshirt, since it was on sale for 35% off. Although I will always be a true Bruin at heart and will always proudly wear my blue and gold, I did buy a red Biola sweatshirt. I figured I'm going to spend the next 3 years there, the same amount I spent at UCLA, so I might as well buy a sweatshirt. I was thinking about buying a Talbot sweatshirt, but I didn't really like the design as much, so I ended up just getting a normal Biola university sweatshirt. I feel very undergradish wearing it, and I probably look very much like an undergrad wearing it. Well, I am supposed to still be an undergrad at the very young age of 22.

I'm 22 and a seminary student. Weird.

Surrender - A difficult yet freeing experience. Still trying to figure out how to do it.

Although seminary's alot of work and studying, which can get stressful at times (especially when I have 40 pages of written work due in one week), I truly do enjoy it at the core of my being. I love delving into God's Word as it challenges my heart and my mind.

At one point in time this past semester, I was so excited about studying God's Word that it made me want to dance. (I think I might've been doing homework in the Psalms for hermeneutics.) So I put on some Israel Houghton, shut the door of my room, and just danced for joy. Danced like David danced. Undignified.

I told my fellow PT 709ers about this experience, and one guy, Ben, said he got a picture of me being like those little kids who have the toy of trying to put the correct shape in the right hole, and that for a while, I was trying different holes, but now I finally put the shape in the right hole, and it's brought me great joy, just as that kid who puts the shape in the right hole gets really happy.

I agree - Discovering more about how God has made me and how I can use the way He has gifted me for His glory.

And that PT 709 class is amazing. I love the transparency and prayer that goes on in there. Those people are so cool.

Community: another reason why seminary's such a sweet experience. Learning from people and being with people who are passionate for God and His Word. Good times.

Prayer request: I'm going to take a year's worth of Greek in the span of six weeks this summer. (They call it suicide Greek for a reason. ahhhh) haha. And the first week of summer school is VBS at my church which I'm heading, I need lots of prayer :) Thanks.

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