Monday, April 23, 2007


i'm a fan of paradox, oxymoron, and irony.

i was just updating my facebook profile and included these things about me:

Jesus Christ. prayer. paradox. Christian Hedonism. dying to live. humble orthodoxy. Biblical femininity. holy desperation. passionate puritanism. speaking truth in love. fearless submission. servant leadership. radical traditions. having abundant life through self-denial. freedom in discipline. satisfaction in hunger. loving despite hate. quiet revolution. finding strength in my weakness, joy through sorrow, pleasure in pain, wealth in need. revival. people. community. books. music. beneficial blogs. smiles. the innocence of children. laughing. writing. Filipino food. international cultures. missions. rhodes tickles. yamaha mo8 hammer action. my synth, barnabas. my guitar, sunset.

I also love how God is a God of extremes because He is infinite and all-knowing, but He calls us to balance because we are finite and limited.

I thought about this last Monday while talking to Joyce. Good times.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

holy cow... you really spruced your blog up. Technological mastermind you are! Wonderful entries... I'm going to tag you on my blog under my 'exhibits' menu. Quite the exhibit! love ya lady.