My church, Congregational Christian Church, is hosting a Missions Fundraising Concert. Please invite all your friends to come!
On November 2nd, The 10 member singing group "MAJESTY" from The Masters College (http://www.masters.edu/) are coming to minister in song and help our fundraising efforts. We have tickets but all are welcome to come. It will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene, 3700 East Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107. The doors will be open at 5:30 pm.Your $20 or my $10 may not go far, but if we pool our petty cash together, we can make a significant difference to a church, a body of believers. The picture on the left is of a church plant in the Philippines still unfinished after two years because of lack of funds.
We are realizing that the best way to impact our world is through church planting. Hence, we are raising funds for our church planting projects:
SHORT TERM: Help build or complete a church building for one or more of our church planters.
LONG TERM: Support a local church planter full time so they can focus on equipping the people and reaching out to the lost. We desire to support local church planters from different nations such as Russia, China, Africa, South America, etc. You can go to www.firstgiving.com/cccmissions to donate toward kingdom building. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Bryan, sidlakxii@yahoo.com, (213) 383-4321.
We are realizing that the best way to impact our world is through church planting. Hence, we are raising funds for our church planting projects:
SHORT TERM: Help build or complete a church building for one or more of our church planters.
LONG TERM: Support a local church planter full time so they can focus on equipping the people and reaching out to the lost. We desire to support local church planters from different nations such as Russia, China, Africa, South America, etc. You can go to www.firstgiving.com/cccmissions to donate toward kingdom building. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Bryan, sidlakxii@yahoo.com, (213) 383-4321.
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